Knowing our stuff…. Becoming Qualified 2022

2022 began with lots of plans but was railroaded with the need to move from our little shop to a larger one to help the business grow… It’s an understatement to say that we had grown out of our little place….

Our plans, albeit delayed came to fruition literally the week before we moved shops so it was all go for us..

We spent a lot of time researching courses to enable us to offer additional services, we wanted our business to be more than just a clothes shop…

We finally decided on a course that further trained us to be able to offer styling, colour & wardrobe buying advice… all of these things were areas that we did for our business but being able to personalise to our customers with some professional training was something we were really keen to do…

Being able to be trained by an amazingly talented coach who had personally styled people like Mylene Klass& Davina McCall was just such a treat… Ruthless… Jeez after Day One we felt like we had been through the ringer… Owning Style Me had taken this coach all over the world offering her services, so much experience & insight… she worked hard to push us (some days to the brink!) to make sure we were taking everything on board & then applying it..

Each days agenda consisted of Homework reporting back, Tutorials, Practical tasks & Feedback…

We both loved learning but we never do anything half-heartedly so always want good feedback, it’s safe to say even a perfect submission was met with “considerations” we hardened up as the days and sessions progressed, appreciating the feedback but also questioned & challenged…we had great fun in the end (after we had brushed ourselves down a few times and bounced back) this style of learning was brutal but really worked instilling so much knowledge..

As we concluded the training (& got stuck in London due to a line closure…obviously!) we returned back so enthusiastic about sharing these new skills… Moving shops took over… moving & settling into our new home was our main priority. We had to ensure that what we used to call in our proper jobs “Business As Usual” was established in order for us to kick on with our plans..

Its safe to say our new home felt like home so quickly.. and have been able to pick up on this new strand of our business launching..

Following gaining lots of practice from our training with our friends, family & husbands!!! we are now ready to come & help you… Whether it be colours, styling or just sorting your wardrobe with you… We cant wait to help you xxxxx


How do we buy??